Personalised Ayurvedic Treatment for your Skin Type
~Ayurvedic cure for All Type Skin Diseases~
Everyone wishes they had lovely skin. Unfortunately, many people suffer from various skin diseases. Acne, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions are among the most prevalent. According to Ayurveda, the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are implicated in various diseases, either alone or in combination. Rasa (plasma), Rakta (blood), Lasika (lymph), and Mamsa are the Dhatus (tissues) involved (muscle). More tissues or Dhatus may become implicated as the illness develops.

What Are the Various Types of Skin Diseases?
Acne can appear as whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, or cysts on the skin. Scarring may result if not treated. Hives: An allergic response characterised by severe itching and red bumps on the skin’s surface. Rosacea has the potential to be a chronic illness. It causes flushing, face redness, acne, and dries up the skin. Eczema is a skin condition characterised by itching, redness, and peeling. It’s conceivable that it’s a long-term condition. Psoriasis is characterised by silvery, scaly skin areas. It is itchy and occurs on the scalp and elbows and knees.
Ayurveda and Skin Diseases.
Skin problems can be caused by a lack of maintenance in any of the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), according to Ayurveda. This imbalance might be caused by food or lifestyle concerns. Vata skin problems cause dryness and a rough look of the skin. It has the potential to produce fractures and fissures. Pitta skin problems can result in redness, searing discomfort, pus development, ulceration, and fever. Kapha skin problems would result in white discolouration, itching, edoema, fluid retention, and other symptoms. Skin disorders are not always cosmetic, but rather the result of inside issues. Correcting skin disorders necessitates a multifaceted strategy.

C/H/O – Psoriasis
Preliminary Data
Age- 59 Years Old | Sex- Male
Presenting Complaint
- Patient age of 59 years old with no other past illness.
- Having skin lesions on elbow, knee joints, lower back, calf area, both legs wi th dry flakes and severe itching.
- Disoriented patches with watery oozing after scratching the lesions due to itching in the past 3 months.
- Earlier the same symptoms persisted 6 years back.
- Taken allopathic medicine- steroids was given with topical application.
- symptomatic relief was seen but condition aggravated
oncemedicine was stopped.
Progress & Conclusion
- The patient felt 80% relief within 14 days of treatment.
- Symptomatic Relief – Itching – 90% reduced, Reddish Patches 90% reduced, Dry Flakes – 99% reduced, Oozing – 90% reduced.


K/C/O – Psoriatic Dermatitis Since 2010
Preliminary Data
Age- 30 Years Old | Sex- Female
Presenting Complaint
- Patient Came With Complaint Of Reddish Sized Patches Like Rashes Spreaded Over Arms, Legs Backs, With Burning Sensation.
- The Patches Showed Inflammatory Symptoms. Skin W as Slightly Yellowish.
Progress & Conclusion
- Patient had relief with in 17 days of treatment.
- Reddish Rashes – 80-90% relief.
- Burning sensation reduced completely on process of healing, gaing back normal skin colour and texture.



Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Acne, Cracked Foot?
Let Ayurveda solve the problem
HURRY! Next 9 bookings are getting 30% off on their bookingWHY KAIRALI AYURVEDA FOR SKIN DISORDER TREATMENTS?
- Our proprietary “ Synchronisms Energy Excitation System” ( SEES ) is unique in Ayurveda and has been appreciated world over.
- Kairali Ayurveda uses Ayurvedic Medicated oil in this therapy. We never reuse the oil for another client.
We always recommend two therapists doing the service at the same time hence giving over 67% higher utilization of time vs body area covered ratio in the industry.
Kairali Ayurveda is having one of the highest success rates of 87% in treating Chronic Diseases.
Depending on the Disease and Body Type, Symptomatic relief of over 53 % is seen in just 3 days Ayurvedic Treatment.
Ayurveda treatment is Cost Effective as it reduced the burden of other medication and need for main stream medical intervention.
Kairali Ayurveda is located in 5 Countries with over 17 branches.
The Kairali Ayurveda family has been practicing Authentic Ayurveda since 1908.

Get Relief from Psoriasis, Dermatitis, Acne, Cracked Foot with this Safe Ayurvedic Treatment that revives your Skin Immunity.
Start Your Recovery Today…
Ayurveda is one of the oldest forms of remedies, originating nearly 5000 years ago in India. It is a treatment that provides results that are discernible to the naked eye. Just like any other treatment, Ayurveda requires you to follow the proper treatment procedure and it is essential to follow the recommended supplements and programs along with taking care of your lifestyle. It takes a little time to produce results, therefore, patience is the key. Patience and a willingness to heal are what make the Ayurvedic approach such a success. If you want Ayurvedic treatment to really work, you should not just rely on medicines but should be willing to take care of your whole lifestyle.
Before treating skin diseases from an ayurvedic perspective, it is necessary to analyse the person and their skin condition/s. The doctor diagnoses the doshic composition of the individual, their diet and lifestyle, their pulse and their skin health.Ayurveda always looks for the root cause of disease. While there are many helpful herbs and ointments that bring temporary relief to wounds, skin irritation or lesions, Ayurveda always looks to the underlying cause so the patient can restore their body to healthy balance and eliminate the symptoms of skin disease.
In conventional system of medicine there is no known permanent cure for psoriasis. Even through in Ayurveda also permanent cure may or may not be achieved. It depends on many factors. But comparatively more symptomatic relief and increased relapsing time can be achieved through Ayurveda and Panchakarma therapies.Non relapsing cases through Ayurveda are also observed.
Eczema is a common skin disease globally.Since this is a chronic disease, detoxification procedures are required to remove the root cause. Thus, oral medicines for detoxification or purification are necessary in the beginning. In the next stage medicines for external application are used. In the final stage of the treatment Rasayanas or rejuvenates will be given to nourish the skin.
Acne vulgaris is a skin problem, very widespread among teenagers and youngsters. The etiopathology of the disease is due to vitiated Blood (RakthaDushti) along with vitiated subtle channels to produce various symptoms of the disease. Thus, to get permanent cure of the situation, this pathophysiology of the disease should be broken down. Treatment procedures are designed keeping in this mind.
Steaming and other heating procedures: This procedure is not advised during inflammatory stages. It is useful in removal of blockage of subtle channels or srothas.
Vamana or medicated vomiting: Suitable medicines are orally given to induce vomiting. This procedure is very useful in removing blockage of subtle channels or Srothas of facial skin and whole body.
Virechana or medicated purgation: It is a cleansing method, performed by giving bitter, astringent and sweet herbal purgatives which bring down abnormally increased Pitha principle and Raktha or blood dhathu. This procedure is beneficial in stages of inflammatory changes.
Nasya: Nasal administration of suitable medicine is beneficial in chronic clinical conditions of Acne.