Pizhichil ayurveda therapy is one of our specialised massage therapies for reviving the energy and vitality of the entire body. This therapy is a lovely blend of two traditional Ayurvedic therapies, Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (sudation).
This is a gentle massage in which heated oil is squeezed onto the body and the body is rubbed slowlyand with minimal pressure. This massage improves blood circulation and hence aids in the equilibrium of mind and body.
Duration: 60 mins
(50 – 55 mins Ayurveda Massage followed by steam)
Oil Level:
Oil Used: Dhanwantaram Thailam/Ksheerbala Thailam (Selected as per your body type)
Recommended Therapist:

>>Successfully done 25,109 Pizhichil Therapies
Relieves Fatigue
Known to relieve muscle fatigue and restore physical strength and mental vigour.
Reduces Body Pain
Pizhichil procedure can be used to relieve the pain from the affected areas.
Reduces Nerve Weakness
Medicated oils are massaged on your body with soft strokes which destress and release the tension from the nerves
Manages Stress Disorders
Pizhichil massage soothes your brain and makes it calmer thereby making it an excellent way of relieving stress, anxiety and hypertension

Are you looking for ways to reduce stress and improve sleep quality?
Do you have:
>> Do you suffer from Fatigue and Body Pain?
>> Do you have Joint pain and Back aches?
>> Do you often feel stressed and your skin is beginning to look dull?
If you have any of these symptoms, see an Ayurvedic Doctor immediately or experience Pizhichil Ayurvedic massage enhances the natural defense system of the body by producing more antibodies and white blood cells. This increases the body’s defense to infections and diseases. Regular Pizhichil massages will benefit your body to come back to health.
Pizhichil is a wonderful detox treatment. It begins with the application of warm medicinal Ayurvedic oils to the whole body, followed by a soothing, nourishing, and rejuvenating massage. The massage causes profuse sweating, which aids in the removal of toxins from the body.

Having Stress, Anxiety, Digestive issues, Skin aliments?
Let Ayurveda solve the problem
HURRY! Next 9 bookings are getting 30% off on their bookingWHY KAIRALI AYURVEDA PIZHICHIL TREATMENT ?
- Our proprietary “ Synchronisms Energy Excitation System” ( SEES ) is unique in Ayurveda and has been appreciated world over.
- Kairali Ayurveda uses Ayurvedic Medicated oil in this therapy. We never reuse the oil for another client.
- Kairali Ayurveda has a sustainability program for the oil to be re-purposed as fuel once used in the therapy leaving the lowest waste that on the planet.
- We have trained therapist with an average experience of over 7 years.
We always recommend two therapists doing the service at the same time hence giving over 67% higher utilization of time vs body area covered ratio in the industry.
Kairali Ayurveda is has one of the highest success rates of 87% in treating Chronic Diseases.
Depending on the Disease and Body Type, Symptomatic relief of over 53 % is seen in just 3 days Ayurvedic Treatment.
Ayurveda treatment is Cost Effective as it reduces the burden of other medication and need for main stream medical intervention.
Kairali Ayurveda is located in 5 Countries with over 17 branches.
The Kairali Ayurveda family has been practicing Authentic Ayurveda since 1908.

Looking for natural and chemical free way to rejuvenate Skin, reduce body pain and relieve fatigue?
Ayurveda Pizhichil Treatment is a highly rejuvenating treatment that improves muscle tone and retunes the nervous system. Numerous benefits of this therapy include:
Relief from muscle spasms, improves skin complexion and blood circulation, Beautifies the skin and prevents aging, helps in diabetes, asthma, hypertension and tuberculosis, Eases burning sensation in the body, Pizhichil is directed for people having high Vata doshas, muscular pain, rheumatic problems, insomnia, depression, osteoarthritis, sexual weakness, nervous disorder, hemiplegia, paraplegia, etc.
This effective Ayurvedic treatment protects the body from many ailments and builds up the immune system to ensure a healthy and longer life.
The prakruti, or physical constitution, and vikruti, or present condition of the doshas, are determined before the process begins. Following that, everything needed for the operation, including the equipment and masseurs or attendants, is gathered ahead of time.
The primary Pizhichil process begins with a continuous and continual stream of oil being poured all over your head and body. The type of oil combination used for therapy is determined by your requirements and medical circumstances. In general, the best oils for the procedure are Chandanbala Laxadi oil, Ksheerabala oil, Dhanwantharam oil, Shatavari oil, and Yashtimadhu oil.
Although the Pizhichil Ayurveda therapy includes a complete body massage, it may also be focused on a specific area of the body known as Ekhanga Pizhichil or half of the body known as Ardhanga Pizhichil. During the massage, you must be in different positions, including sitting, lying on your stomach, then on your back, resting on your right side, and finally on your left. The massage requires two to four persons to execute and can take 60-90 minutes.
One sitting may have good effects, but it is advised that the treatment be repeated at least seven times for long-term mental and physical well-being. After Pizhichil therapy, the patient may be offered Shirodhara treatment, in which medicinal oil is continually dripped on their forehead. It is crucial to remember that Pizhichil treatment requires three to four liters of oils that must be kept at a relaxing or moderate temperature throughout the process. The massage oil can be emptied into a collector and re-warmed before being administered to the client.
Finally, when the therapy is over, precautions are taken to avoid rapid exposure to cold. Pizhichil massage is often conducted early in the morning and late in the evening, followed by a hot or lukewarm bath. You will have a nice night’s sleep or rest following the treatment because the therapy is extremely calming to your mind and body
Pizhichil is one of the greatest Ayurvedic treatments available, although it is rarely used as the only treatment for a specific condition. It may be administered in conjunction with other treatments or drugs, depending on the body type and severity of the condition. Nonetheless, Pizhichil is the most effective Ayurvedic therapy for increasing muscle strength and avoiding neuromuscular and musculoskeletal diseases.
However, there are a few circumstances in which Pizhichil treatment should be avoided.
- When an individual suffers diseases such as Kapha aggravation, indigestion, vomiting, obesity, diarrhea, severe fever, ascites, and so on, Pizhichil therapy is contraindicated.
- Pizhichil should also be avoided before or after Nasya and Vasti treatment, as well as during pregnancy.
When performed by skilled experts, pizhichil has no known adverse effects. Complications such as burning sensations, herpes, fatigue, hoarse voice, splitting paints in joints, vomiting, bleeding, fever, itching, skin rashes, or irruptions might occur if the incorrect approach is employed.